Mobile the electronic gadget is more than the basic needs of our life such as food ,water etc. Without mobile means a person had lost something in his life as it became so essential tool in his life. As the day passes technology grows and at the end of the day mobile facilities and its usuage also increases. In olden days we used mobiles like nokia3310, a basic phone in which only normal facilities like calling,messaging etc were there.As years passed the growth of mobiles also grown rapidly.Companies like Samsung,Nokia,Apple etc had came forward with their own softawres like android,windows,ios which includes a lot o f features which attracts people a lot. As we know this gadget has adv and disadv but this gadget plays a impact role in physical and mental growth of children (4 to 13). because instead of playing games like cricket,football etc they are spending a lot of time with these mobiles which cause damage both physically and mentally.It stops the creativity process...