Norton Error 3048 3 is an antivirus error which has to be solved because antivirus is a keen for system to be protected from virus as now a days where we are living in cyber world where any thing can happen in a few seconds so we need to solve this error. First we need to understand the symptoms of this error and which are given below : ->It crashes the active program window. ->Windows will respond slowly when any input is given either by keyboard or mouse. ->Your system will periodically freezes for few seconds at a time which is nothing but hanging of system. So basically this error occurs in platforms like Windows 10, 8 , 7 , Vista . The error can be caused by any reasons which are given below : ->when the installation is incomplete due to many reasons. ->Access control permissions during changing of install or uninstall the software. ->Presence of any malware or virus in files or software which causes further damage. ->Network connectivity. -...