"JAI SHREE RAM"-- The Powerful Mantra


The chants of Jai Shree Ram
Make us calm,
Channeling our inner energy
Into a supreme power
That reveals the value
Of the inter-realm.

Through this divine chant,
Enchanting this powerful mantra
Paves the path
For the intercommunication
Of humans and the deity Ram Ji,
That soothes the human soul,
Helping us realize the
Beauty and value of this mantra,
That completes our life and heart.

The construction of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir,
After 500 years of sacrifice, blood, and soul,
Is a testament to the power of the inter-realm.
As "Jai Shree Ram" chants filled the air,
Echoing through time and space,
Millions of devotees united,
And that force made this possible.

The first aarti to Bala Ram Ji,
A sacred offering of light and devotion,
Completed our lives and hearts.
And the chants of "Jai Shree Ram,"
Resonating across the nation,
Are the dreams of generations,
Now built in stone, flesh, and spirit.

Some argue that this divine chant
Is all about myth,
Rather than a belief.
"Jai Shree Ram" is not just a myth,
But proof that
Lord Shree Ram is with us,
Wherever you are
On this planet Earth.

The chants from Vanara Sena were so loud,
They kept Sita Maa believing,
That Lord Rama was with her,
Across the miles,
On this planet Earth,
A divine presence that never fades.
It was these very chants
That brought Sita Maa back from Ravana’s grasp.

So keep chanting,
Jai Shree Ram,
For it is our dharma.


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