technology in sports

Technology in sports

 Technology  plays a prominent role in sports.It makes sport more effective and enthusiastic.It helps us to view in different directions and closely.Many sports are using technology to a great extent.We can see in cricket which is very popular sport in this world.The usuage of drs system makes umpires to take decisions effectively and now a days they are using cameras on hats of umpires which makes easy to view and to make decisions.One more thing is snickometer which is used on basis of technology This says whether ball has knicked by bat or any part of body which is very effective in game of cricket.But technology depends on various factors like climate etc.Technology plays a crucial role in cricket.

                      Drs system
Another sport is pro kabbadi which is playing a major role to make kabbadi popular  all over world.In this sport each team has a review where technology plays a role.This will look so carefully whether a raider claimed touch or not.Tv umpire uses technology to its peak to take the right decision.They have to see even if a small portion of shirt has been in contact with hand of raider and many cases will be seen.It will be done only with help of technology.
This shows whether a raider has claimed atouch or not.Defender will not feel that raider has caught him so he will challenge and tv umpire will see with latest technology and takes right decision.


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