Augmented-Reality And Virtual-Reality

It's cool to think to create a world which is quiet different from this world where we can view things from different dimensions like 3d and more which makes us to experience and feel what is happening, as if we are part of that stuff.With rapid growth in technology it's not difficult to achieve.They are two types of technologies which helps us to achieve this feat.They are
-> Augmented Reality (AR)
-> Virtual Reality (VR)
Augmented Reality is  a technology where we can view the objects which will develop a feeling that we are in a different world but the reality is we are still connected to present world.There are many gadgets like Google-glass,cast-ar,meta,laster-see-thru etc which are useful to take a person to Augmented reality world.This technology enables us to even manipulate 3D-objects so we can view according to viewer's wish.This technology is recently used in famous game "Pokemon-Go" where we can capture the pokemons live with the help of camera of a mobile device.It also brings out the digital world information into person's perceived world where we can view the information in a different view.It is commercially better than virtual reality as this helps to be in conscious state so we will be aware of things happening around us which avoids from major/minor accidents.
        The big benefit of AR in industry is offering a heads up display that keeps hands free and handy information in the worker's eyeline - to NASA engineers and astronauts, construction and factory workers and airline customer service Staff. AR-GLASSES are lighter than VR -headset and do not use the entire portion of head as it uses eye part of our body which helps to be in connected with present world.
Virtual-Reality can be defined as viewing the objects in 360degrees angle which will be different from digital world.It is controlled by user and VR is created using interactive hardware and software.Most 2016-era virtual realities are displayed either on a computer monitor, a projector screen, or with a virtual reality headset (also called head-mounted display or HMD). HMDs typically take the form of head-mounted goggles with a screen in front of the eyes. The basic difference between VR and AR is in VR with the help of headset one will not be able to connect with digital world as they are pretty much involved in their creative world.
        Generally all are mobile friendly users,so mobile companies had launched Mobiles which supports vr-gear like Lenovo gear-vr,Samsung gear-vr etc which is beneficial to both customers and producers.This helps us to play more games in a addictive way which is a great advantage for a gamer.Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR, Samsung Gear VR and the HTC Vive have finally taken the virtual reality medium mainstream.
      In short this two technologies had taken the world to different level and it is incredible and we are amazed and happy to view the objects in different way and feel as its our beside even we are not present in a particular scenario.


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