Target Gift Scam on Facebook

   Target is one of the biggest corporation in USA where people love to shop and they use a concept of gift cards for attracting customers to expand their busines. This target gift card is an electronic gift card which will be mailed to the recipient. In order to purchase this gift card is to  select an amount, include a message and a email will be sent to the address given within 4 hours of time. The main moto of using this gift card is to do shopping with additional benefits and a secured way of saving money which will be used for shopping when some one runs out of money. This is really a smart way of doing the business.
  As technology is rapidly developing day by day, the percentage of cyber crimes is also increasing where there are lots of scams happening across the world.  This time the victim is target gift card which has occurred with the help of most popular social networking site Facebook. This scam is known as "Smishing" technique which is a combination of SMS and Phishing techniques where the hacker sends the link to the target recepients through SMS instead of email medium.
This scam can be identified when anyone will receive a text message in form of the below tag line
"Send Target to 83361 and get a free gift card".
As soon as we send this message the hacker will create a fake page already which will be the same as the original one and that page will be loaded as you will be receiving the link in form of SMS after the text will be sent. Then the recipient will enter the personal details regarding his bank account which will be hacked by the hacker and then all the savings amount will be transferred to his/ her account even after having security as we are the ones to enter our details which will be saved or noticed by the hacker and we will be the victim in this scam.
In order to be on the safer side from this kinds of scams below are some guidelines which might help one to be safe.
->Never click on the link sent by unknown person or number or mail.
->Never enter any personal information in a untrusted or unsecured site.
->Contact the company if you have any queries regarding such messages or emails.
->Delete such messages straight away
->Report such numbers or mails.
->Create awareness among others regarding such scams.

It's everyone responsibility to be aware of what's happening across the globe especially about the scams happening around us. For any issues or queries regarding anything there will be 24/7 helpline contact which one needs to make use of it to know whether it is a right offer to proceed or not. Be safe and don't get victimised to such scams.


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