What is Lock-down Significance? And Why Should You Care?

An outbreak of coronavirus across the world leads to lockdown in major countries. India is under lockdown for more than a month and it will come to an end only when the situation is under control. Lockdown is new to everyone but it is compulsory in the fight against this virus. This is a state of isolation or restricted access to instituted under security measures. Lockdown is more significant in our country due to various reasons. Few reasons are huge population, lack of medical advancements, less number of hospitals. Statistics tell how significant the lockdown is in our country.

India without lockdown:

In our country population density is huge so the gathering of people is also huge. All are aware that large gatherings at public places spread this disease very fast. Testing gets affected with more number of patients and the exact number is not traced. Level of treatment also gets affected. India is not ready to face that situation. As we also lack in the advancement of the medical field is also a reason for the lock-down of our country.

India with lockdown:

Implementing lockdown is the major steps in winning the battle against coronavirus. As everyone is at the home the spread of this disease is also under control. Testing is in the best possible manner as there is a finite amount of samples tested every day. Treatment level is also getting better day by day as the doctors, nurses know exactly what to do. The medical equipment needed for treatment is also enough. The best thing is that one who is at home will never get affected with this virus which has no proper vaccine.

Interesting results due to lockdown:

- Recovery rate is getting better day by day with 14.75 as of 20/04/2020.
- The doubling rate of COVID-19 is 7.5% as of 20/04/2020 which is far better than the rate of 3.4% during post lockdown.
- The above stat says that it takes 7.5 days to double the number of cases whereas it took 3.4 days in doubling the number before lockdown.
- Some of the districts in our country are corona free which is due to the lockdown.

As a responsible citizen of India, you need to understand the vital role of lockdown in this battle against coronavirus. Your duty is to be at home safe and not violate the lockdown for any reason. Govt has given permission to come out to buy all basic commodities required to be safe at home. You should not come out to see what is going on. Tell your friends, family members and your relatives how important lockdown is. Don't come out of your homes until the situation is critical. Police and healthcare are always ready to support us. Don't believe in fake news which leads to violation of lockdown. Maintain social distancing even in lockdown period. Have fun with your loved ones in your home instead of troubling others for no reason. Please respect the doctors, police force, health workers, municipal officers, an army whose lives are in stake to protect us from this coronavirus.

There are many examples where lockdown violated for any reason. We have suffered the consequences. In this fight against coronavirus, the lockdown has a huge significance.  Everyone has to understand this health is more important than anything in this world. Even govt knows that lockdown will bring down the economy of India to the next level. Despite all the odds our govt only cares about one thing is people lives. The economy will improve at any cost for sure but lost lives can be never bought back. Please don't violate the lockdown for no damn reason and be a hero in this fight against coronavirus.

                                              #STAYHOME  #STAYSAFE


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