The world is buzzing with the advancement of AR and VR which enables us to view objects in different angles and feel it more than normal view.In order to achieve we need devices (AR/VR).
The latest AR device "Meta2 headset" is not yet ready to work in a perfect condition but it gives us the best AR experience in present world.The best part of this device is it has a wide curved screen jutting out from the front which fits comfortably in head and enough weight on either sides which gives you a different experience than other AR devices available in market.But it looks little awkward.
  This is better AR device than Hololens a Microsoft AR device for the reason that Microsoft-hololens supports 30degree field of view where as Meta2 supports 90degree field of view which gives a better and different look to any user. Of course, the Meta 2 also has to be connected to a computer, while Microsoft's headset is completely wireless. Personally though, I'd rather have a better AR image than a portable headset.
    The image was very clear, thanks to the headset's sharp 2,550 by 1,440 pixel resolution, and it did a decent job of letting me walk around the projected AR brain.The image may be blurred if there is any changes made by viewer in that device.
   The biggest problem is the quality of sound in this device.Basically it has 4 speakers which are very tiny in nature which enables only tiny sounds.This problem has to be solved as sound plays a crucial role in ar-world.Meta might need to look into entirely new speakers, especially since it'll be tough to wear normal headphones together with the headset.
  The cost is $949 in order to pre-order and as this cost will be increased in future as it becomes widely used device in market.But this all devices will helps in creating a beautiful and wonderful world which will be quite opposite to the world we are living today and we can enjoy the natural beauty gifted by God to everyone.


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