MalwareBytes Premium

Malware bytes  premium which is an advanced version of malware bytes which is a anti malware software which protects the system from advanced threats , advanced malwares and keep our files secured from ransom , websites are also safe by using this malware bytes . To install and use it in our windows we have two options one is free trial which will be a period of 14 days where installation is easy as it do not have any payment section during installation .Second one is paid version which will have a expiry time where we need to reinstall the software in order to access it to keep our system safe and secure from all the threats .There are few steps in order to reinstall where we need to first install the software and delete it and again reinstall and it will be different for different operating systems like windows , mac etc.
Reinstalling the software once again for windows 7 :
è Click on start button and select control panel.
è Click on programs and features.
è Uninstall the antimalware bytes software from the computer
è Restart your computer once you uninstall the older version which is a crucial step in the entire process.
è Then download the latest  version from its official website
è Locate the downloaded file, mb3-setup-consumer-x.x.x.xxxx.exe. The x.x.x.xxxx represents the version of Malware bytes for Windows.
è Basically all the downloads will be in downloads folder in our computer.
è Then double click on the mb3-setup-consumer-x.x.x.xxxx.exe where set up starts for installation.
è Then user account control dialog box will appear and to choose that we will get a box asking for the permission of administrator whether to allow to do changes or not
è Then after allowing the changes to be made by clicking yes on the box we go to the next part where we will get a drop down box to select  language for installation.
è Then select your language and click on next where we see the license agreement dialog box where we need to click yes and click next.
è In order to change the location select advanced options and choose your preferred location.
è Then click next where we need to wait for  a particular time where installation goes on and at the last we need to click on finish.
è After clicking the dialog box will pop out and after a few seconds our malware bytes malware is ready to be used on our system.

This software plays a prominent role in every system as every user will use cloud to store data , to perform various business applications in his system which are not to be cracked easily this malware premium will help to scan easily the attack and solves easily which will take few seconds and all the data will be secured . It can be tested for a free trial version which makes the user to understand the significance and importance of this software which is easy to use , install etc,


  1. Hey there, thanks for sharing this article. I was facing the same issue and instructions mentioned above helped me a lot. Malwarebytes cannot connect to service can also be resolved under assistance from the tech support @ 800-864-4162 as some guys are not so qualified to do it all by himself.

  2. This article was really very helpful. I too was facing Malwarebytes cannot connect to service issue which was resolved later with the help of this article. Thanks for this useful article.

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